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Baseus Bipow Pro Digital Display Fast Charge Power Bank 10000mAh/22.5W - 2xUSB, USB-C - White

Baseus Bipow Pro Digital Display Fast Charge Power Bank 10000mAh/22.5W - 2xUSB, USB-C - White
Číslo výrobku:3005918
1 ks:
32,00 €
Vyberte farbu
  • Baseus Bipow Pro powerbank, 10000mAh (white)

    Power up your smartphone with energy, no matter where you are! The Baseus Bipow Pro powerbank has a capacious battery - 10,000 mAh and supports fast charging technology. The small size and weight make it easy to transport, while a number of safety features provide comprehensive protection.

    Baseus Bipow Pro Digital Display Fast Charge Power Bank 10000mAh/22.5W - 2xUSB, USB-C - White

    10000mAh capacity

    The Bipow Pro powerbank has a 10000mAh capacity battery with 22.5 watts of power. It allows you to charge your phone multiple times in a short period of time. This makes the device perfect for, among other things, a long train trip. You can charge the powerbank itself in 3-4 hours with a compatible mains charger. What's more, it has been equipped with a digital screen, which keeps you informed about the battery's charge level.

    Baseus Bipow Pro Digital Display Fast Charge Power Bank 10000mAh/22.5W - 2xUSB, USB-C - White

    Instant charging of your smartphone

    The device supports fast charging with Power Delivery, Quick Charge 3.0, Samsung AFC and Huawei SCP standards. You will be able to instantly power up popular smartphones on the market, including iPhone 13 Pro, Samsung S20 Ultra or Huawei Mate 40 Pro.

    Baseus Bipow Pro Digital Display Fast Charge Power Bank 10000mAh/22.5W - 2xUSB, USB-C - White

    Simultaneous charging of 3 devices

    With the Baseus Bipow Pro powerbank you can charge up to 3 devices at the same time. The portable battery pack has three input ports that are compatible with most devices that are powered by USB-A/USB-C. The device will not only allow you to charge your smartphone, but also provide power to, for example, a wireless speaker or a lamp.

    Baseus Bipow Pro Digital Display Fast Charge Power Bank 10000mAh/22.5W - 2xUSB, USB-C - White

    Convenient transportation

    Compact size and extremely low weight make it easy to fit it into your purse, backpack or luggage - it won't even feel its presence! You can safely take it with you on a plane, as it meets the required aviation standards. In addition, you will find in the set a practical USB-C cable, which is sure to come in handy while traveling.

    Baseus Bipow Pro Digital Display Fast Charge Power Bank 10000mAh/22.5W - 2xUSB, USB-C - White

    Reliable and safe operation

    The case is made of extremely durable and resistant to any damage. A special control chipset adjusts the current to the connected device effectively protecting it from damage. Multi-level protections guarantee protection against overcharging, over-discharge, overvoltage or overheating, among other things.

    Baseus Bipow Pro Digital Display Fast Charge Power Bank 10000mAh/22.5W - 2xUSB, USB-C - White


    • 1 x Baseus Powerbank Bipow Pro
    • 1 x USB-A/USB-C cable
    ModelBaseus Bipow Pro Digital Display Fast Charge Power Bank 10000mAh 22.5W White
    Capacity1000 mAh
    Rated capacity5800 mAh
    Energy conversion factor≥75%
    Input currentUSB-C: 5V / 3A, 9V/ 2A
    Output currentUSB-C: 5V / 3A, 9V / 2.22A, 12V / 1.5A;
    USB1/USB2: 4.5V / 4A, 5V / 4.5V, 5V / 3A, 9V / 2A, 12V / 1.5A
    Total output power5V / 3A, 9V / 2.22A, 12V / 1.5A
    Dimensions132 x 62 x 19.6 mm
    Weight200 g
    Cable length30 cm

    EAN: 6932172610791


"Refurbished" phone is perfect if you don't want to pay the full price to enjoy the pristine look of a device. It has no traces of wear and appears completely new.

It comes with a 2-year warranty.


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Informácie o dodaní



List Balíček
Hodnota objednávky pod 60.00 Hodnota objednávky prekročila 60.00
Royal Mail ParcelForce UPS
UK 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 8.50 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni
Ireland 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni - - 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni

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