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Complete Repair Kit for Watches - 144 Pcs.

Complete Repair Kit for Watches - 144 Pcs.
Číslo výrobku:3010241
DOSTUPNOSŤ:Na sklade - pripravené na odoslanie 
1 ks:
35,90 €
Iba 2 zostáva na sklade!
  • 144-in-1 Watch Repair Tool Kit

    Equip yourself with this all-inclusive 144-piece watch repair tool kit, designed to meet the needs of both professional watchmakers and enthusiasts. This comprehensive set provides the essential tools required for tasks such as watchband adjustments, battery replacements, gasket changes, and more, ensuring you have everything necessary to maintain and repair your timepieces effectively.

    Key Features and Specifications:
    - Adjustable Case Opener: Ideal for opening waterproof watch cases up to 34mm, facilitating easy access to the watch's interior.
    - Spring Bar Tool: Assists in the removal and replacement of watch straps, enabling quick and efficient band adjustments.
    - Anti-Magnetic Screwdrivers: Includes precision screwdrivers (1.2mm, 1.4mm, 1.6mm) for handling small screws without the risk of magnetization.
    - Link Remover and Spare Pins: Allows for precise adjustment of metal watchbands, ensuring a comfortable fit.
    - Carrying Case: Comes with a sturdy black nylon zippered case for organized storage and portability.

    Ideal Examples of Usage:
    - Watchband Adjustments: Easily resize metal watchbands to achieve the perfect fit.
    - Battery Replacements: Safely open watch cases to replace batteries, extending the life of your timepieces.
    - Gasket Changes: Replace worn-out gaskets to maintain water resistance and protect the watch's internal components.
    - General Maintenance: Perform routine maintenance tasks to keep your watches in optimal condition.

    Reasons to Buy:
    - Comprehensive Set: Contains all necessary tools for a wide range of watch repair and maintenance tasks.
    - Quality Construction: Tools are made from durable materials, ensuring longevity and reliable performance.
    - Portable and Organized: The included carrying case keeps tools neatly organized and easily transportable.
    - Cost-Effective: Performing your own watch repairs can save money on professional services.

    Interesting Facts About Watch Repair Tools:
    Watch repair requires precision and specialized tools to handle the intricate components of timepieces. Having a comprehensive tool kit allows enthusiasts and professionals to perform a variety of tasks, from simple battery replacements to more complex repairs, ensuring the longevity and proper functioning of their watches.

    Invest in this 144-piece watch repair tool kit to confidently perform maintenance and repairs on your timepieces, preserving their functionality and extending their lifespan.

    Package includes:
    - 1 x Case Opener
    - 1 x Carrying Case
    - 1 x Spring Bar Tool
    - 1 x Link Remover
    - 1 x Watch Mini Container
    - 1 x Stainless Steel Tweezers
    - 1 x Watch back pry opener (with yellow ergo handle)
    - 2 x Spring Bar Tool Spare Tips
    - 3 x Link Remover Spare Pins
    - 3 x Pin Punches (0.8mm, 0.9mm, 1.0mm)
    - 3 x Precision Anti-magnetic Screwdrivers (1.0mm, 1.2mm, 1.4mm)
    - 18 x Case Opener Pins
    - 108 x Watch Strap Spring Pins

    Packing: Euroblister

    EAN: 5714122502841


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Informácie o dodaní



List Balíček
Hodnota objednávky pod 60.00 Hodnota objednávky prekročila 60.00
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Ireland 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni - - 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni

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