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Dudao A5EU 5x USB Charger with Built-in EU Power Cable - 25W - White

Dudao A5EU 5x USB Charger with Built-in EU Power Cable - 25W - White
Číslo výrobku:3011631
DOSTUPNOSŤ:Na sklade - pripravené na odoslanie 
1 ks:
12,70 €
  • Dudao A5EU 5-Port USB Charger with Built-in EU Power Cable - Fast & Safe Multi-Device Charging

    Charge up to five devices simultaneously with the Dudao A5EU 5-Port USB Wall Charger, featuring a built-in EU power cable. Designed for universal compatibility, this charger offers intelligent power management, high-speed charging, and comprehensive safety protections. Made from fire-resistant ABS + PC materials, it ensures durability, efficiency, and global usability with a wide voltage range (100-240V).

    Key Features & Specifications
    - 5 USB Ports for Multi-Device Charging - Supports fast and stable charging for smartphones, tablets, power banks, and other USB-powered devices.
    - Built-in EU Power Cable - Convenient integrated mains cable eliminates the need for extra adapters.
    - Intelligent Power Management - Automatically adjusts voltage to match your device, ensuring optimal charging speed.
    - Comprehensive Safety Features - Protects against overcharging, overheating, and short circuits for safe and reliable use.
    - Fire-Resistant & Durable Build - Made from high-quality ABS + PC materials, offering heat resistance and impact protection.

    Technical Specifications
    - Model: A5EU
    - Material: ABS + PC (fire-resistant)
    - Voltage Range: 100 - 240V / AC / 50-60Hz, 1A
    - Output Current: 5V / 5A (total)
    - Maximum Power Output: 25W
    - Connector Type: 5 x USB (female)

    Ideal Usage Scenarios
    - Perfect for Home & Office - Charge multiple devices efficiently without cluttering outlets.
    - Great for Travel - With 100-240V compatibility, it works worldwide, making it ideal for international trips.
    - Family & Multi-Device Charging - Charge multiple smartphones, tablets, and gadgets from a single power source.
    - Safe Charging for All Devices - Intelligent power regulation protects batteries and extends device lifespan.

    Why Choose the Dudao A5EU 5-Port USB Charger?
    - Charge Up to 5 Devices Simultaneously - Eliminates the need for multiple adapters.
    - Built-in Safety Features - Ensures stable and secure charging for all connected devices.
    - Durable & Heat-Resistant Materials - Built to withstand daily use and travel conditions.
    - Universal Compatibility - Works with iOS, Android, and all USB-powered gadgets.

    Interesting Facts About USB Chargers
    - Intelligent charging technology helps prolong battery life by adjusting voltage based on the device’s needs.
    - Multi-port chargers reduce electrical waste and outlet overload, making them more energy-efficient.
    - Fire-resistant materials add an extra layer of safety, preventing potential overheating issues.

    Upgrade your charging experience with the Dudao A5EU 5-Port USB Charger - efficient, safe, and perfect for multi-device users!

    Packing: Euroblister

    EAN: 6973687244675


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Informácie o dodaní



List Balíček
Hodnota objednávky pod 60.00 Hodnota objednávky prekročila 60.00
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