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Joyroom JR-W030 Wireless Power Bank 6000mAh w. Ring Holder - 20W - White

Joyroom JR-W030 Wireless Power Bank 6000mAh w. Ring Holder - 20W - White
Číslo výrobku:3005857
1 ks:
32,00 €
Vyberte farbu
  • Power Bank Ring Holder 20W 6000mAh Joyroom JR-W030 (white)

    The Joyroom JR-W030 is a compact powerbank with which you can charge up to 2 devices simultaneously. It is equipped with a USB-C port and supports wireless charging, and has a capacity of 6,000mAh. It also offers a foldable ring-type holder, which will make it easier for you to hold it or will work well as a stand.

    Joyroom JR-W030 Wireless Power Bank 6000mAh w. Ring Holder - 20W - White

    Charge 2 devices simultaneously

    Charge your smartphone and tablet at the same time or share the powerbank with another person. The Joyroom JR-W030 offers a USB-C port and supports wireless charging, which means you can easily renew the power of 2 devices at the same time with it. Say goodbye to limitations!

    Joyroom JR-W030 Wireless Power Bank 6000mAh w. Ring Holder - 20W - White

    Fast charging

    Don't wait too long until your phone is ready to use again. The USB-C port of the powerbank supports the PD 20W standard. This means you'll be charging the devices of your choice in no time! In the case of inductive charging, the output power is a maximum of 15 W.

    Joyroom JR-W030 Wireless Power Bank 6000mAh w. Ring Holder - 20W - White

    Capacity of 6000mAh

    Don't be afraid of the need for frequent charging of the powerbank. The capacity of the JR-W030 is 6000mAh. This is enough to charge an iPhone 12 about 2.3 times, and an iPhone 13 or 14 about 2 times. What's more, charging the powerbank won't take long - no more wasting time!

    Joyroom JR-W030 Wireless Power Bank 6000mAh w. Ring Holder - 20W - White

    Comfortable use of your smartphone while charging

    The powerbank has built-in high-quality magnets, which provide the smartphone placed on it with the necessary stability. This allows you to use your phone comfortably while wireless charging! You also have a special ring-type holder at your disposal. With its help, you will make it easier to hold the powerbank with the charged smartphone or place the device on a table or desk.

    Joyroom JR-W030 Wireless Power Bank 6000mAh w. Ring Holder - 20W - White

    Compact design

    Forget about heavy, bulky powerbanks. The Joyroom JR-W030 is incredibly lightweight and compact, so you can use it comfortably and, if necessary, take it with you on vacation, to college or on the bus. You can easily fit it in your purse or backpack! What's more, the device is small enough that it won't obstruct your smartphone's cameras when charging wirelessly.

    Joyroom JR-W030 Wireless Power Bank 6000mAh w. Ring Holder - 20W - White

    Capacity6000mAh 3.7 V (37 Wh)
    Rated capacity3400 mAh (5V - 2.4 A)
    USB-C input5 V - 3 A, 9 V - 2 A, 12 V - 1.5 A
    USB-C output5 V - 3 A, 9 V - 2.22 A, 12 V - 1.67 A
    Wireless charging5 W / 7.5 W / 10 W / 15 W
    Total output power20W (max)
    MaterialABS + PC
    Dimensions99.5 x 64.5 x 20 mm
    Weight138 g

    EAN: 6956116725372


"Refurbished" phone is perfect if you don't want to pay the full price to enjoy the pristine look of a device. It has no traces of wear and appears completely new.

It comes with a 2-year warranty.


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Informácie o dodaní



List Balíček
Hodnota objednávky pod 60.00 Hodnota objednávky prekročila 60.00
Royal Mail ParcelForce UPS
UK 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 8.50 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni
Ireland 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni - - 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni

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