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Joyroom JR-ZS259 Telescopic Car Holder - Dashboard/Windshield Mount - 4.7"-6.9" - Black

Joyroom JR-ZS259 Telescopic Car Holder - Dashboard/Windshield Mount - 4.7"-6.9" - Black
Číslo výrobku:3007239
DOSTUPNOSŤ:Na sklade - pripravené na odoslanie 
1 ks:
15,30 €
  • Joyroom JR-ZS259 Telescopic Car Holder for Smartphone - Dashboard/Windshield Mount - 4.7"-6.9"

    Do you like to feel confident on the road and you always use navigation? So you need a proven and reliable car holder. The Joyroom JR-ZS259 model may be the perfect solution. It was made of the best materials on the market, which guarantees its durability and translates into stable maintenance of the phone. In addition, it provides the ability to rotate 360 ° - so you can set the perfect angle of inclination for yourself, ensuring the visibility of the route. The handle itself also has a very simple, classic look, which makes it suitable for most car interiors.

    Exceptional resistance and guaranteed safety
    The handle is made of the best materials on the market, making it suitable for all conditions. It is resistant to both mechanical damage and weather conditions. You can easily use it both in summer and in winter. The holder guarantees a firm hold of the phone. Its great advantage is also the ability to fit most of the smartphone models available on the market.

    360° rotation function
    The handle can be adjusted to any angle of inclination. This is ensured by the innovative 360 ° rotation function. So you can adjust it to your needs, which often depends on the weather and sunlight. Enough. that you hold the handle and point it in the correct direction for the desired alignment.

    Simple operation and quick assembly
    Extremely fast assembly means that it takes only a few moments to be able to go on tour with a new gadget. The handle is a clamp model. This means that after inserting the phone you will have to manually tighten its side arms. However, it is just as easy to release your smartphone. To open the handle, press the button on the side of the housing.

    - Type: Car holder
    - Rotation ability: 360
    - Material: ABS + PC + silicone
    - Purpose: Cell phones from 4.7 to 6.9 inches in size
    - Net weight: 97 g
    - High durability
    - Strong phone maintenance
    - Non-slip pad in the place where the phone is
    - Extremely easy to use
    - Rapid assembly
    - Suitable for various phone models
    - Stylish look
    - Tilt angle adjustment
    - Compact dimensions and light weight

    Packing: Euroblister

    EAN: 6941237136275


"Refurbished" phone is perfect if you don't want to pay the full price to enjoy the pristine look of a device. It has no traces of wear and appears completely new.

It comes with a 2-year warranty.


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Informácie o dodaní



List Balíček
Hodnota objednávky pod 60.00 Hodnota objednávky prekročila 60.00
Royal Mail ParcelForce UPS
UK 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 8.50 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni
Ireland 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni - - 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni

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