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KIWI Design K4-QS02 VR Head Strap for Meta Quest 3/3S - White / Black

KIWI Design K4-QS02 VR Head Strap for Meta Quest 3/3S - White / Black
Číslo výrobku:3011750
1 ks:
59,10 €
Odporúča MyTrendyPhone
  • KIWI design K4-QS02 VR Headset Replacement Head Strap for Meta Quest 3, Meta Quest 3S - Pressure-Reducing Soft Cushion Headband

    Immerse yourself in the virtual realm without discomfort thanks to the KIWI design K4-QS02 VR Head Strap, specially crafted for the Meta Quest 3/3S. This ergonomic, pressure-relieving headband elevates your VR experience by providing exceptional stability, reduced facial pressure, and a snug fit. Designed with EU standards in mind, it offers an ideal balance of form and function for all VR enthusiasts.

    Key Features & Specifications
    - Pressure-Reducing Cushion: Enjoy longer gaming or workout sessions without strain, thanks to a plush, breathable foam pad that disperses weight evenly.
    - Adjustable & Secure Fit: Fine-tune the strap for optimal comfort and stability, ensuring your VR headset stays perfectly in place.
    - Durable Construction: Premium materials resist wear and tear, guaranteeing this head strap remains reliable for countless virtual adventures.
    - Lightweight Design: Weighing approximately 0.2 kg, it adds minimal bulk to your headset, ensuring comfortable use during extended play.
    - Enhanced Head Support: Specially engineered to reduce pressure on the forehead, decreasing fatigue and improving gameplay performance.

    Ideal Usage Examples
    - Extended Gaming Sessions: Keep your focus on the action by minimizing head strain and adjusting the fit to stay comfortable for hours.
    - Fitness & Workout Apps: The secure grip supports rapid movement and high-intensity exercises, so you can train safely in VR.
    - Virtual Meetings & Classes: Maintain productivity in long virtual meetings or courses without discomfort or frequent strap adjustments.
    - Entertainment & Media: Enjoy immersive films, concerts, and interactive experiences in VR with a stable, well-balanced fit.

    Why This Product Is Perfect to Buy
    Designed to complement the Meta Quest 3/3S perfectly, the KIWI design K4-QS02 VR Head Strap ensures you can make the most of next-generation virtual reality. Its high-quality construction, lightweight design, and pressure-relieving foam padding offer superior comfort and durability. As a result, you’ll experience reduced neck and facial tension—ideal for serious gamers, VR explorers, and professionals alike.

    Interesting Facts About VR Head Straps
    - Pressure distribution is crucial for extended VR use, as it helps reduce discomfort and fatigue in the neck and face.
    - Breathable foam pads not only enhance comfort but also help prevent overheating during intense gaming or workouts.
    - Proper strap adjustment can significantly improve visual clarity by stabilizing the headset and keeping it in the optimal position.

    Upgrade your VR setup with the KIWI design K4-QS02 VR Head Strap for Meta Quest 3/3S—where comfort meets high performance, taking your virtual adventures to the next level.

    Compatibility: Meta Quest 3, Meta Quest 3S

    Packing: Euroblister

    EAN: 5714122528131


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List Balíček
Hodnota objednávky pod 60.00 Hodnota objednávky prekročila 60.00
Royal Mail ParcelForce UPS
UK 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 8.50 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni
Ireland 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni - - 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni

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