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Lippa LPFMR02 FM Emergency Radio with Hand Crank, Solar Panel, Power Bank 4500mAh - Black

Lippa LPFMR02 FM Emergency Radio with Hand Crank, Solar Panel, Power Bank 4500mAh - Black
Číslo výrobku:3010744
DOSTUPNOSŤ:Na sklade - pripravené na odoslanie 
RRP:   56,50 €
1 ks:
51,40 €
Ušetríte:   5,10 €
  • Lippa LPFMR02 Hand Crank Emergency Radio with Solar Panel, Power Bank 4500mAh

    Stay prepared and connected during emergencies with the Lippa FM Emergency Radio. This versatile device features multiple charging options, including a hand crank, solar panel, USB-C input, and compatibility with AAA batteries, ensuring continuous operation even when conventional power sources are unavailable. Equipped with AM, FM, and NOAA frequency reception, it keeps you informed with essential updates and emergency alerts. The built-in flashlight with three modes and a high-brightness reading lamp provide illumination in low-light situations, while the 4,500 mAh power bank allows you to charge your mobile devices, maintaining your connectivity when it matters most.

    Key Features and Specifications
    - Multi-Functional Charging: Four charging methods—USB-C, hand crank, solar panel, and AAA batteries—offer flexibility to power the device in various situations.
    - Comprehensive Frequency Reception: Supports AM (520-1710 kHz), FM (87-108 MHz), and NOAA (162.400-162.550 MHz) frequencies, ensuring access to vital information during emergencies.
    - Powerful Flashlight and Reading Lamp: Features a flashlight with three modes for versatile lighting and a 10W COB reading lamp for high-brightness illumination.
    - 4500mAh Power Bank: The substantial battery capacity allows for charging mobile devices, ensuring you stay connected when it’s crucial.
    - Compact and Portable Design: Measuring 17 x 5 x 7.5 cm and weighing approximately 470g, it is designed for easy transport, making it ideal for outdoor activities and emergency preparedness.

    Ideal Examples of Usage
    - Emergency Preparedness: Keep the radio in your emergency kit to stay informed and maintain communication during power outages or natural disasters.
    - Outdoor Adventures: Utilize the solar panel and hand crank to power the device during camping, hiking, or other off-grid activities.
    - Travel Companion: Bring it along on road trips to access weather updates and charge your devices on the go.
    - Nighttime Illumination: Use the built-in flashlight and reading lamp for visibility during nighttime activities or in low-light environments.
    - Power Backup: Rely on the multiple charging options to keep the radio operational, ensuring you have access to information and power when needed.

    Why This Product is Perfect to Buy
    The Lippa FM Emergency Radio is an essential tool for anyone prioritizing safety and preparedness. Its multiple charging options ensure continuous operation in various situations, while the comprehensive frequency reception keeps you informed with critical updates. The built-in flashlight and reading lamp provide necessary illumination, and the 4500mAh power bank ensures your mobile devices remain charged. Its compact and portable design makes it a practical addition to emergency kits and outdoor gear, offering peace of mind during unforeseen circumstances.

    Interesting Facts About Emergency Radios
    - Versatility in Power Sources: Emergency radios with multiple charging options, such as hand cranks and solar panels, are designed to function independently of conventional power sources, making them reliable during power outages.
    - NOAA Weather Alerts: Access to NOAA frequencies allows users to receive real-time weather alerts and emergency information, which is crucial during natural disasters.
    - Integrated Lighting Solutions: Many emergency radios come equipped with built-in flashlights and reading lamps, providing essential lighting during emergencies or outdoor activities.
    - Device Charging Capabilities: Models with built-in power banks enable users to charge mobile devices, ensuring communication lines remain open during critical times.
    - Compact Design: Designed for portability, these radios are easy to carry and store, making them convenient for both emergency preparedness and recreational use.

    Investing in the Lippa FM Emergency Radio equips you with a reliable, multifunctional device that ensures you stay informed, connected, and prepared, no matter the circumstances.

    Packing: Euroblister

    EAN: 5713661010343


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