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Mcdodo SS-1781 Bluetooth Selfie Stick - 3.5"-6.7" - Black

Mcdodo SS-1781 Bluetooth Selfie Stick - 3.5"-6.7" - Black
Číslo výrobku:3006049
1 ks:
23,00 €
  • Selfie stick Mcdodo SS-1781 Bluetooth (black)

    Now you can easily capture the entire landscape in one shot! The Mcdodo selfie stick allows you to adjust its length up to 700 mm, and with built-in legs you'll convert it into a tripod in no time. It has an additional light that offers adjustable brightness, and thanks to its compact design when folded, you can take it with you anywhere. It also comes with a remote control that allows you to remotely control the camera's shutter at a distance of up to 10 meters.

    Mcdodo SS-1781 Bluetooth Selfie Stick - 3.5

    The perfect selfie without much effort

    With Mcdodo, creating stunning shots is easier than you think. The selfie stick allows you to adjust its length from 152-700 mm. This makes it easy to take the perfect selfie with a group of friends against a picturesque landscape! In addition, it is equipped with special fold-out legs that will help you turn your selfie stick into a tripod in just a few moments.

    Mcdodo SS-1781 Bluetooth Selfie Stick - 3.5

    The perfect travel companion

    Are you going on vacation? Or are you going to the mountains for the weekend? Take the selfie stick with you and take exceptional photos wherever you want! The lightweight and compact design makes it easy to fit the selfie stick into your bag or backpack - it certainly won't take up much space. Its operation and pairing with your device will be no problem for you. You'll find a remote control included, which will make it easy for you to control your camera from a distance. Its range reaches up to 10 meters, which will give you even more freedom.

    Mcdodo SS-1781 Bluetooth Selfie Stick - 3.5

    Perfect lighting in all conditions

    Now you can easily take the perfect photo, regardless of the time of day or night! The selfie stick has a small light that will provide you with additional illumination while taking photos. It offers a 6-stage brightness adjustment, as well as 3 different lighting modes, so you can successfully adjust its operation to your needs. What's more, thanks to its clever design, you can detach it at any time and hide it when you don't need it.

    Mcdodo SS-1781 Bluetooth Selfie Stick - 3.5

    Fits multiple devices

    Position your smartphone as you are comfortable! Selfie stick is equipped with a practical handle that you can freely rotate 360°. Now you can easily position your smartphone both vertically and horizontally! The product works with phones with a diagonal of 3.5-6.7″, so it can easily handle many popular devices.

    Mcdodo SS-1781 Bluetooth Selfie Stick - 3.5


    • selfie stick
    • lamp
    • remote control
    Manufacturer Mcdodo
    Model SS-1781
    Color Black
    Weight 140 g
    Length 152-700 mm
    Remote control range Up to 10 m
    Material Aluminum alloy + ABS
    Compatibility Phones with a diagonal of 3.5-6.7"

    EAN: 6921002617819


"Refurbished" phone is perfect if you don't want to pay the full price to enjoy the pristine look of a device. It has no traces of wear and appears completely new.

It comes with a 2-year warranty.


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Informácie o dodaní



List Balíček
Hodnota objednávky pod 60.00 Hodnota objednávky prekročila 60.00
Royal Mail ParcelForce UPS
UK 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 8.50 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni
Ireland 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni - - 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni

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