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N911Z Solar-Powered Ultrasonic Bird Repellent with LED Flashing and Motion Sensor Alarm - 2 Pcs.

N911Z Solar-Powered Ultrasonic Bird Repellent with LED Flashing and Motion Sensor Alarm - 2 Pcs.
Číslo výrobku:3010981
DOSTUPNOSŤ:Na sklade - pripravené na odoslanie 
1 ks:
25,30 €
Iba 2 zostáva na sklade!
  • N911Z Solar-Powered Ultrasonic Bird Repellent with LED Flashing and Motion Sensor Alarm - 2 Pcs.

    Protect your garden, yard, orchard, or farm with the N911Z Solar-Powered Ultrasonic Bird Repellent. This device utilizes a combination of ultrasonic waves and flashing LED lights to effectively deter birds and other pests, ensuring your outdoor spaces remain undisturbed. Powered by a monocrystalline solar panel, it offers an eco-friendly and maintenance-free solution for pest control.

    Key Features
    - Effective Pest Deterrent: Emits high-frequency ultrasonic waves ranging from 12MHz to 44MHz, combined with flashing red LED lights, to scare away intruding animals.
    - Solar-Powered Efficiency: Equipped with a 5V*80mA monocrystalline solar panel, providing continuous operation with minimal maintenance.
    - Weather-Resistant Design: Boasts an IP55 waterproof rating, ensuring durability and reliability in various outdoor conditions.
    - Dual Deterrent System: Features two flashing red LEDs and ultrasonic waves for maximum effectiveness in repelling pests.
    - Energy-Efficient Operation: Includes a 3.7V/400mAh polymer lithium battery with overcharge and over-discharge protection, offering up to 12 hours of working time on a full charge.

    - Solar panel: 5V*80mA monocrystalline solar panel
    - LED: 2 flashing red LEDs
    - Function: Continuous slow flashing light at night + 10-second fast flashing light with 5-minute ultrasonic intervals
    - Material: ABS
    - Charging method: Solar charging
    - Charging time: 8 hours (light intensity in different seasons will affect charging efficiency)
    - Working time (full charge): 12 hours
    - Sound: High-frequency ultrasonic 12MHZ-44MHZ
    - Battery: Polymer lithium battery 3.7V/400mAh
    - Waterproof level: IP55
    - Installation method: Wall-mounted

    Ideal Usage Examples
    - Gardens and Yards: Keep your plants and flowers safe from bird damage without the use of harmful chemicals.
    - Orchards and Farms: Protect fruit trees and crops from being disturbed by birds and other small animals.
    - Ponds and Water Features: Prevent birds from contaminating water sources or preying on fish.

    Why This Product is Perfect to Buy
    The N911Z Solar-Powered Ultrasonic Bird Repellent offers a humane and eco-friendly solution to pest control. Its solar-powered design ensures continuous operation without the need for external power sources, and the combination of ultrasonic waves and flashing LED lights effectively deters a variety of pests. With its weather-resistant construction, this device is built to withstand outdoor conditions, providing reliable protection for your property.

    Interesting Facts About Ultrasonic Bird Repellents
    - Humane Pest Control: Ultrasonic bird repellents offer a humane alternative to traditional pest control methods, deterring animals without causing harm.
    - Versatile Applications: These devices can be used in various settings, including residential gardens, commercial properties, and agricultural fields, to protect against bird-related damages.
    - Eco-Friendly Solution: Solar-powered ultrasonic repellents reduce reliance on chemical deterrents, promoting a healthier environment.

    Invest in the N911Z Solar-Powered Ultrasonic Bird Repellent to maintain a pest-free environment in an eco-friendly and humane manner.

    Package includes:
    - 2 x Bird Repellent Device
    - 2 x Installation Pack
    - 1 x English User Manual

    Packing: Euroblister

    EAN: 5714122520579


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Hodnota objednávky pod 60.00 Hodnota objednávky prekročila 60.00
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