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Outdoor Sports IP68 Waterproof Smartwatch - 1.91" - Grey

Outdoor Sports IP68 Waterproof Smartwatch - 1.91" - Grey
Číslo výrobku:3006850
RRP:   37,20 €
1 ks:
27,90 €
Ušetríte:   9,30 €
Vyberte farbu
  • Outdoor Sports IP68 Waterproof Smartwatch - 1.91"

    1.91-inch high definition colorful large screen 

    The metal cover is resistant to shock and drop 

    Bluetooth call and release of hands

    Multi-scene sports mode waiting for your challenge

    IP68 domestic waterproof, you can wash hands, get wet in the rain

    Shock reminder messages can be seen after you lift your wrist


    - Screen size: 1.91" square screen
    - Screen Type: TFT
    - Middle Frame : PC+ABS
    - Case Material: Zinc alloy, vacuum plated
    - Wristband : Silicone

    - Main chip: Realtek8763EW
    - Acceleration sensor: STK8321
    - PPG heart rate sensor: LC11S
    - Touch IC: 816D
    - Touch method: OGS Full Touch
    - Motor: Flat Motor
    - Display screen: Realtek8763EW
    - Resolution: 240 (RGB)*296
    - Flash size: 128M
    - Bluetooth version: BLE5.2
    - Bluetooth antenna: Bluetooth Antenna FPC
    - Battery Type: Li-ion Battery
    - Battery Capacity: 350mAh
    - Speaker: AAC1012
    - Charging method: Magnetic cable charging

    - Watch Languages: Russian, Indonesian, German, Italian, Czech, Japanese, French, Polish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Korean, Dutch, Hindi
    - APP display language: English, Russian, Indonesian, German, Italian, Czech, Japanese, French, Polish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Korean
    - Watch push language: English, German, French, Italian, Greek, Latin, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Lucian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Macedonian, Croatian, Bosnian, Hindi, Sanskrit, Nepali, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Lao, Persian, Kurdish, Pashto, Punjabi, Turkic, Berber, Malay, Turkish

    Health monitoring:
    - Heart Rate: Support
    - Heart Rate Timing: Support, 24-hour continuous heart rate
    - Blood pressure: Support
    - Blood Pressure Timing: Not supported
    - Blood Oxygen: Support
    - Oxygen Timing: Not supported
    - Sleep: Support

    Basic function:
    - Step Counting: Support
    - Distance exercised: Support
    - Calories burned: Support
    - Raise your hand to light up the screen: Support
    - Wrist flip screen: Support

    Sports mode:
    - Outdoor running: Support
    - Swimming: Support
    - Cycling: Support
    - Jumping rope: Support
    - Badminton: Support
    - Table tennis: Support
    - Tennis: Support
    - Mountain climbing: Support
    - Walking: Support
    - Basketball: Support
    - Football: Support
    - Baseball: Support
    - Volleyball: Support
    - Cricket: Support
    - Rugby: Support
    - Hockey: Support
    - Dance: Support
    - Cycling: Support
    - Yoga: Support
    - Sit-ups: Support
    - Indoor Running: Support
    - Gymnastics: Support
    - Rowing: Support
    - Open Hop: Support

    - Alarm Clock: Vibrating alert
    - Incoming call: Display of number or name
    - text message: Show content
    - WeChat: Show content
    - QQ: Show content
    - Taobao: Show content
    - Alipay: Show content
    - Facebook: Show content
    - Twitter: Show content
    - LinkedIn: Show content
    - WhatsApp: Show content
    - Line: Show content
    - Instagram: Show content
    - Kakaotalk: Show content
    - Skype: Show content
    - Snapchat: Show content
    - Gmail: Show content
    - Sitting for a long time: Support
    - Drinking water: Support
    - Other: Support

    Other function:
    - Encoder: Support
    - Alipay Support: No support
    - WeChat payment: Not Supported
    - Bluetooth calling: Support
    - Watch direct dialing: Support must be connected to a mobile Bluetooth
    - SOS: Support
    - Music playback: Support must be connected to a mobile phone Bluetooth to play music
    - Games: Comes with mini-games
    - Stopwatch: Support
    - Timer: Support
    - Music Control: Support, Connect to APP, and open the player on the phone first
    - Remote control for taking photos: Support, Connect to APP, open in APP
    - Weather: Support
    - Screen brightness adjustment: Support
    - APP movement track: Support
    - Waterproof rating: IP68, Swimmable

    - System: Android 5.0 and above, IOS 9.0 and above

    EAN: 5714122451408


"Refurbished" phone is perfect if you don't want to pay the full price to enjoy the pristine look of a device. It has no traces of wear and appears completely new.

It comes with a 2-year warranty.


Telefonická podpora:

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Garantujeme rýchle a bezpečné doručenie našich produktov. A čo viac, objednávky prijaté do 16:00 od pondelka do piatku budú odoslané v ten istý deň.


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Informácie o dodaní



List Balíček
Hodnota objednávky pod 60.00 Hodnota objednávky prekročila 60.00
Royal Mail ParcelForce UPS
UK 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 8.50 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni
Ireland 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni - - 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni

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