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Plug and Play USB-C to USB 2.0 Adapter for MacBook, Laptop, Tablet - Silver

Plug and Play USB-C to USB 2.0 Adapter for MacBook, Laptop, Tablet - Silver
Číslo výrobku:3011555
1 ks:
10,20 €
  • USB-C Male to USB 2.0 Female Adapter for MacBook, Laptop, Tablet - 480Mbps Data Transfer Converter

    Expand your MacBook's connectivity with this USB-C Male to USB 2.0 Female Adapter, designed to seamlessly integrate your existing USB devices with modern USB-C ports. This compact and durable adapter ensures efficient data transfer and broad compatibility, making it an essential accessory for both personal and professional use.

    Key Features and Specifications
    - High-Speed Data Transfer: Supports data transmission rates up to 480Mbps, allowing quick and efficient transfer of files, photos, and videos.
    - Robust Aluminum Alloy Construction: Crafted from quality aluminum alloy, the adapter is anti-rust, hard, and durable, ensuring longevity and reliable performance.
    - Universal Compatibility: Compatible with a wide range of devices, including mobile phones, tablets, hard drives, cameras, and chargers, facilitating seamless integration across various platforms.
    - Plug and Play Functionality: No drivers or additional software required; simply connect the adapter to your device for immediate use.
    - Compact and Portable Design: Small, lightweight, and easy to carry, making it convenient for travel and on-the-go use.

    - Material: Aluminum alloy
    - Data Transfer Rate: Up to 480Mbps
    - Compatibility: Devices with USB-C ports, including MacBook, smartphones, tablets, and more

    Ideal Usage Scenarios
    - Connecting Peripherals: Easily attach USB keyboards, mice, flash drives, and other peripherals to your USB-C enabled devices.
    - Data Synchronization: Quickly transfer data between devices, such as moving photos from a camera to a MacBook.
    - Charging Devices: Use existing USB chargers and cables to power and charge your USB-C devices.
    - On-the-Go Productivity: Enhance your mobile workstation by connecting essential USB accessories while traveling.
    - Legacy Device Support: Maintain compatibility with older USB devices, ensuring continued usability without the need for new peripherals.

    Why Choose This USB-C to USB 2.0 Adapter?
    - Seamless Integration: Bridges the gap between modern USB-C ports and traditional USB devices, ensuring smooth connectivity.
    - Durable and Reliable: The aluminum alloy construction provides a sturdy and long-lasting solution for daily use.
    - Efficient Performance: Supports high-speed data transfer rates, reducing wait times and enhancing productivity.
    - User-Friendly Design: With plug and play functionality, no technical expertise is required for setup and use.
    - Portability: Its compact size makes it easy to carry in a bag or pocket, ensuring you have the right connection wherever you go.

    Interesting Facts About USB-C to USB 2.0 Adapters
    - Versatility: USB-C to USB 2.0 adapters allow users to connect a wide range of peripherals, including keyboards, mice, and storage devices, to modern USB-C ports, enhancing device functionality.
    - Data Transfer Rates: While USB 2.0 supports data transfer speeds up to 480Mbps, it's important to note that this is slower than USB 3.0 and newer standards, which offer higher speeds.
    - Charging Capabilities: These adapters can facilitate charging of devices; however, the charging speed may be limited compared to using native USB-C chargers, as USB 2.0 supports lower power delivery.
    - Plug and Play: Most USB-C to USB 2.0 adapters offer plug and play functionality, eliminating the need for additional drivers or software installations, thus simplifying the user experience.
    - Compact Design: The small and lightweight nature of these adapters makes them highly portable, allowing users to easily carry them and connect devices on the go.

    Upgrade your connectivity with the USB-C Male to USB 2.0 Female Adapter, ensuring seamless integration between your modern devices and existing peripherals.

    Packing: Bulk

    EAN: 5714122523686


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Hodnota objednávky pod 60.00 Hodnota objednávky prekročila 60.00
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