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Rechargeable RGB Light Bulb with Remote Control and Timer

Rechargeable RGB Light Bulb with Remote Control and Timer
Číslo výrobku:3011633
1 ks:
14,00 €
  • E27 RGB Rechargeable Light Bulb with Remote Control, Timer, Hook - Dimmable Touch Control 2700-6500K

    Illuminate your space with the versatile E27 RGB Rechargeable Light Bulb, designed to offer customizable lighting solutions for various settings. This dimmable bulb provides a spectrum of colors and color temperatures, all controllable via a user-friendly remote and touch sensor.

    Key Features
    - USB Rechargeable: Equipped with a rechargeable battery, this bulb can be charged via USB-C, making it ideal for areas without electricity like patios and backyards.
    - Dimmable LED Bulb: Offers 7 different light colors, providing pleasant illumination with warm white, neutral, cool white, and colored light options to suit various environments.
    - Remote Controlled: Easily control the rechargeable bulb with a remote, including timer functionality, perfect for when you forget to turn off the light or want to avoid bright light disturbances at night.
    - Versatile E27 Socket: Compatible with any standard E27 socket, allowing flexible use of this battery-powered light in almost any location, from home to camping or as portable emergency lighting.
    - Touch Control: Features a touch sensor for easy on/off operation, making it an ideal solution for outdoor use when seeking reliable, rechargeable, and customizable lighting.

    - Input Voltage: DC 5V
    - Input Current: 1A (Reference)
    - Power: 2W
    - Color Temperature: 2700 - 6500K
    - Beam Angle: 120°
    - Luminous Flux: <150 Lumens
    - Charging Time: <3.0 hours
    - Discharge Time: >8 hours
    - Battery Capacity: 2000mAh
    - Operating Temperature: -20C to 40C
    - Storage Temperature: -25C to 45C

    Ideal Usage Scenarios
    - Outdoor Activities: Perfect for camping, picnics, or backyard gatherings, providing portable and customizable lighting.
    - Emergency Lighting: Serves as a reliable light source during power outages or in areas without electrical outlets.
    - Home Decor: Enhances ambiance in living rooms, bedrooms, or dining areas with adjustable lighting options.
    - Photography and Events: Offers versatile lighting solutions for photo shoots, parties, or special occasions.

    Why Choose This Light Bulb?
    The E27 RGB Rechargeable Light Bulb combines functionality with convenience, offering a range of lighting options to suit various needs. Its rechargeable battery, remote control, and touch sensor make it a versatile addition to any space. Whether you're enhancing your home decor, preparing for an outdoor adventure, or seeking reliable emergency lighting, this bulb provides a practical and efficient solution.

    Package Includes
    - 1 x LED Bulb
    - 1 x Hook
    - 1 x USB-C Charging Cable
    - 1 x Remote Control
    - 1 x English User Manual

    Packing: Euroblsiter

    EAN: 5714122524706


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Informácie o dodaní



List Balíček
Hodnota objednávky pod 60.00 Hodnota objednávky prekročila 60.00
Royal Mail ParcelForce UPS
UK 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 8.50 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni
Ireland 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni - - 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni

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