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S2102 Waterproof Mobile Holder for Bicycle/Motorcycle - Black

S2102 Waterproof Mobile Holder for Bicycle/Motorcycle - Black

Číslo výrobku:3011679
1 ks:
16,60 €
  • S2102 Mobile Holder for Bicycle/Motorcycle – Waterproof Rear-View Mirror Mount with 360° Rotation & Touch Screen - 6.7"

    Keep your smartphone secure, dry, and easily accessible with the S2102 Mobile Holder for Bicycles and Motorcycles, a waterproof and durable phone mount designed for motorcycles, e-bikes, and scooters. Featuring a high-sensitivity touch screen, 360° rotation, and universal compatibility, this mount ensures convenient navigation, calls, and music control while riding.

    Key Features & Specifications
    - Universal Rear-View Mirror Mount – Compatible with most smartphones, easily attaches to motorcycles, electric bikes, and scooters.
    - Waterproof & Weather-Resistant – Made from high-quality ABS material, it protects your phone from rain, splashes, dust, snow, and sand, making it perfect for all-weather rides.
    - 360° Rotation for Adjustable Viewing – The fully adjustable mount allows for optimal positioning and easy access to your phone while riding.
    - High-Sensitivity Touch Screen – The transparent PC touch screen offers over 90% sensitivity, allowing smooth and responsive interaction with navigation apps, music, or calls.
    - Easy & Secure Installation – Mounts directly between the rear-view mirror and motorcycle frame, ensuring a stable and firm grip for safe riding.

    Technical Specifications
    - Material: High-quality ABS
    - Mounting Type: Rear-view mirror installation
    - Rotation Angle: 360°
    - Touch Screen Sensitivity: 90%+
    - Applicable Models: Universal compatibility with most smartphones

    Package Includes
    - 1 x S2102 Mobile Holder for Bicycle/Motorcycle
    - 1 x Mounting Bracket
    - 1 x User Manual

    Ideal Usage Scenarios
    - Motorcycle & Scooter Navigation – Keep Google Maps or GPS apps easily visible while riding.
    - All-Weather Riding Protection – Ride confidently in rain, snow, or dust without worrying about phone damage.
    - Hands-Free Calls & Music Control – Quickly access calls and music controls without stopping.
    - Daily Commutes & Long Rides – Whether for city commuting or touring, it ensures secure phone mounting.

    Why Buy the S2102 Mobile Holder for Bicycle/Motorcycle?

    - Waterproof & Dustproof Protection – Reliable protection against weather elements and dirt.
    - Universal Fit for Most Smartphones – Works with various phone sizes and brands.
    - Stable & Secure Mounting – Firm rear-view mirror installation keeps your phone in place, even on bumpy roads.
    - 360° Rotating Design – Adjust for best viewing angles, ensuring safety and comfort while riding.
    - Touch-Friendly Operation – Use navigation, answer calls, or change music without removing your phone.

    Interesting Facts About Mobile Holders for Motorcycles & Bicycles
    - Motorcycle phone mounts increase rider safety by allowing hands-free navigation and communication.
    - Waterproof phone holders help prevent overheating, especially on long rides in direct sunlight.
    - 360° rotating mounts are ideal for adjusting visibility, ensuring riders get the perfect screen angle at all times.

    Stay connected, protected, and on course with the S2102 Mobile Holder for Bicycle/Motorcycle – waterproof, secure, and designed for all riders!

    Packing: Euroblister

    EAN: 5714122518767


"Refurbished" phone is perfect if you don't want to pay the full price to enjoy the pristine look of a device. It has no traces of wear and appears completely new.

It comes with a 2-year warranty.


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Informácie o dodaní



List Balíček
Hodnota objednávky pod 60.00 Hodnota objednávky prekročila 60.00
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