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Xiaomi Mi Pro WiFi Range Extender DVB4235GL - 300Mbps Signal Boost - Black

Xiaomi Mi Pro WiFi Range Extender DVB4235GL - 300Mbps Signal Boost - Black
Číslo výrobku:3011179
DOSTUPNOSŤ:Na sklade - pripravené na odoslanie 
1 ks:
23,00 €
  • Xiaomi Mi Pro WiFi Range Extender - Eliminate Dead Zones with 300Mbps Signal Boost

    Enhance your home or office Wi-Fi coverage with the Xiaomi Mi Wi-Fi Range Extender Pro. Designed to eliminate dead zones, this compact device extends your existing network, ensuring a stable and fast internet connection throughout your space.

    Key Features
    - Dual External Antennas: Equipped with 2×2 external antennas, it maintains a transmission rate of up to 300Mbps, enhancing signal stability and coverage.
    - Wide Compatibility: Supports IEEE 802.11b/g/n standards, making it compatible with most routers and Wi-Fi networks operating on the 2.4 GHz band.
    - Easy Setup with Mi Home App: Simply plug in the extender near your router, connect via the Mi Home app, and follow the instructions to extend your network. Once set up, you can relocate the extender to the optimal position without reconfiguration.
    - Compact Design: Measuring 80 x 54 x 70 mm, its sleek and unobtrusive design allows for easy placement in any environment.
    - Supports Multiple Devices: Capable of connecting up to 16 devices simultaneously, ensuring all your gadgets stay connected.

    - Dimensions: 80 x 54 x 70 mm
    - CPU: MT7628K 580 MHz
    - ROM: 2 MB
    - RAM: 8 MB
    - Antenna Type: 2 external antennas
    - Wireless Standards: IEEE 802.11b/g/n
    - Signal Speed: 2.4 GHz, up to 300Mbps
    - Wireless Security: WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK encryption
    - Power Supply: 100-240 V / 0.35 A

    Ideal Examples of Usage
    - Home Use: Extend Wi-Fi coverage to eliminate dead zones in bedrooms, balconies, or bathrooms, ensuring seamless internet access throughout your home.
    - Office Environment: Enhance network coverage in large office spaces, ensuring all employees have stable internet connectivity.
    - Multi-Story Buildings: Improve Wi-Fi signal strength across different floors, providing consistent connectivity in basements, attics, or upper levels.
    - Outdoor Areas: Extend your Wi-Fi to patios or gardens, allowing for uninterrupted connectivity during outdoor activities.

    Why This Product Is Perfect to Buy
    The Xiaomi Mi Wi-Fi Range Extender Pro offers an affordable and efficient solution to common Wi-Fi connectivity issues. Its easy setup process, compact design, and robust performance make it an ideal choice for anyone looking to enhance their wireless network without investing in expensive hardware. Whether you're streaming, gaming, or working from home, this extender ensures a reliable connection where you need it most.

    Interesting Facts About Its Type
    - Signal Rate: Operates on the 2.4 GHz band, providing a balance between range and speed, ideal for penetrating walls and obstacles in home environments.
    - Antenna Design: The 2×2 external antenna configuration enhances signal reception and transmission, contributing to a more stable and extended Wi-Fi coverage area.

    Upgrade your network today with the Xiaomi Mi Wi-Fi Range Extender Pro and enjoy seamless, high-speed internet access throughout your space.

    Packing: Euroblister

    EAN: 6934177716492


"Refurbished" phone is perfect if you don't want to pay the full price to enjoy the pristine look of a device. It has no traces of wear and appears completely new.

It comes with a 2-year warranty.


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Informácie o dodaní



List Balíček
Hodnota objednávky pod 60.00 Hodnota objednávky prekročila 60.00
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