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Xiaomi Mibro Watch X1 Smartwatch - AMOLED HD, Bluetooth 5.0 - Black

Xiaomi Mibro Watch X1 Smartwatch - AMOLED HD, Bluetooth 5.0 - Black
Číslo výrobku:3006039
DOSTUPNOSŤ:Na sklade - pripravené na odoslanie 
1 ks:
56,50 €
Iba 3 zostáva na sklade!
  • Mibro Watch X1 smartwatch

    The Mibro Watch X1 smartwatch is designed for people with active lifestyles. It offers 38 sports modes to choose from and features 5ATM water resistance. It also monitors heart rate, blood oxygen saturation and sleep. Its convenient operation is enabled by a color AMOLED display, and its durable battery provides up to 14 days of use. A dedicated Mibro Fit app is also available.

    1.3-inch AMOLED display

    Enjoy rich details and vivid colors. The smartwatch is equipped with an AMOLED HD display that provides a bright, clear image in almost any lighting conditions. Want to customize its design to suit your preferences? No problem - choose from a variety of available dial designs and express yourself!

    As many as 38 sports modes to choose from

    Improve your performance in your favorite sport or try something new. Smartwatch X1 will help you take care of your fitness! Among other things, the device counts steps and calories burned, and lets you choose from 38 sports modes such as running, mountain climbing, yoga or skipping. You are sure to find something for yourself! At the end of your workout, the smartwatch will generate a detailed report, so you can conveniently track your progress.

    Up to 2 weeks of operation on a single charge

    No more charging the smartwatch too often. The X1 is equipped with a long-lasting battery that provides a long runtime. With normal daily use, the device can serve you for up to 14 days on a single charge. In standby mode, the smartwatch lasts about 60 days. Don't be afraid that it will refuse to serve you too soon!

    5ATM water resistance

    Heading to the pool? Are you leaving the house in the rain? Or maybe you want to take a shower or wash the dishes? You don't have to take the smartwatch off your wrist! The device is distinguished by its 5ATM water resistance, which means that it is not afraid of splashes or sweat. You can also swim with it without worry. What's more, the watch is very light and comfortable - it will provide you with unparalleled comfort even during prolonged use.

    It will help you take care of your health

    Now you can get to know your body better and react quickly to alarming symptoms. The smartwatch monitors your heart rate 24 hours a day and will immediately notify you of any alarming changes. The X1 also measures blood oxygen saturation and monitors sleep. The information it collects will help you improve the quality of your night's rest! A stress monitoring function is also available.

    Quick access to information

    With Mibro X1 you have all the most important information at your fingertips. The smartwatch will instantly notify you of incoming messages and calls. It is compatible with popular apps such as WhatsApp, WeChat and Skype. You no longer have to worry about missing something important!

    More possibilities with the app

    Get access to a lot of interesting features and data. Just install the free Mibro Fit app and add your smartwatch to it! With its help, you can, for example, change settings, select watch faces and check training summaries. You will also find key information about your body and reports on your sleep. Check out what else is waiting for you!

    A number of useful functions

    Use the full capabilities of the smartwatch and make your life easier. The X1 will let you check the weather forecast and facilitate the location of your connected phone. It also offers a calculator, stopwatch and alarm clock function. You can also use it to remotely operate your smartphone's music player and camera. The device will also remind you to move and drink water.

    In the box

    • Smartwatch
    • USB-A charging cable with magnetic connector
    • User manual

EAN: 6971619677645
  • Condition

    "Refurbished" phone is perfect if you don't want to pay the full price to enjoy the pristine look of a device. It has no traces of wear and appears completely new.

    It comes with a 2-year warranty.


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