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XREAL Air 2 Smart AR Glasses (Open Box - Bulk Satisfactory) - Black

XREAL Air 2 Smart AR Glasses (Open Box - Bulk Satisfactory) - Black
Číslo výrobku:3008637BS
DOSTUPNOSŤ:Na sklade - pripravené na odoslanie 
1 ks:
366,60 €
Iba 2 zostáva na sklade!
  • XREAL Air 2 Smart Augmented Reality Glasses - Micro-OLED SONY 0.55 display, 120Hz

    Open Box - Bulk Satisfactory: The original packaging for this item was damaged during distribution, but it might show scratches, dents or chips.

    Discover XREAL Air 2, innovative AR glasses that change the way you experience reality. With advanced display technology and unique features, they will be ideal for entertainment, work and interaction with the digital world. Equipped with a SONY micro-OLED display - they offer amazing image quality and a wide 46° field of view. They are also distinguished by a lightweight, ergonomic design that ensures comfort even with prolonged use.

    Exceptional image quality
    XREAL Air 2 glasses use a SONY micro-OLED display with up to 500 nits brightness and low power consumption. They also provide a refresh rate of up to 120 Hz. In addition, the patented optical engine guarantees high resolution and crisp, perfectly reproduced colors, as certified by TUV Rheinland. All this means that you can enjoy an unparalleled level of immersion and a fantastic visual experience. Now just put on the glasses and you'll instantly feel like you're in a movie theater or transported to the heart of the game!

    Sound at the highest level
    XREAL Air 2 is not only about fantastic image quality, but also about exceptional sound. The glasses benefit from a new audio system that guarantees rich, detail-saturated surround sound. Discover every detail and enjoy unmatched immersion! What's more, Directional Audio technology reduces sound distraction, so those around you won't hear what you're doing. In addition, the Air 2 have two high-end microphones built in.

    For your convenience
    The Air 2 glasses are fully safe for your eyes. They minimize the problem of flickering and emission of harmful blue light, so you don't have to worry about fatigue or damage to your eyesight. They are also distinguished by their lightweight, ergonomic design - they weigh only 72 g and have excellent balance. They won't put pressure on your nose either. All this means that you can use them even all day long without any problems, enjoying comfort and convenience.

    A new dimension of entertainment
    Looking for additional possibilities? Stock up on the separately available XREAL Beam adapter, with which you can conveniently use selected Android apps, such as Netflix, for example. Conveniently watch your favorite series without the need for additional devices. Just put on the glasses and feel like you're in a movie theater!

    Wide compatibility
    The Air 2 is compatible with most devices equipped with a USB-C output port. You can easily connect it to a smartphone, tablet or laptop, for example. You can also buy an additional XREAL Beam adapter to use the glasses in conjunction with iPhones and iPads (with Lightning ports), as well as gaming consoles such as Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 or Xbox X / S.

    Unlock additional display modes with XREAL Beam
    The Air 2 glasses enable the Air Casting display mode, which provides a refresh rate of up to 120 Hz and a screen size of 130 inches, making it ideal for watching movies and playing games. But it doesn't stop there - the XREAL Beam adapter, available for purchase separately, lets you choose from additional display modes. Body Anchor keeps the display in one place regardless of head movements, while Smooth Follow minimizes image shifts caused by external factors - it will come in handy, for example, while riding in a car or coach. Side view, on the other hand, allows you to shrink the screen and move it to the side - perfect for work that requires multi-tasking at the same time.

    - Model: X1004
    - Display: Micro-OLED SONY 0.55
    - Field of view: 46 degrees
    - Resolution: 1920x1080p (per one eye)
    - Refresh rate: up to 120 Hz
    - Brightness: up to 400 nits
    - Number of speakers: 2
    - Number of microphones: 2
    - Interface: USB-C
    - Dimensions: 148 x 51.4 x 161 mm
    - Weight: 72 g

    Package includes:
    - XREAL Air 2 AR glasses
    - Frames for corrective lenses
    - USB-C cable
    - Light shield
    - Three types of nose pads (S / M / L)
    - Carrying case
    - Cleaning cloth


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Informácie o dodaní



List Balíček
Hodnota objednávky pod 60.00 Hodnota objednávky prekročila 60.00
Royal Mail ParcelForce UPS
UK 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 8.50 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni
Ireland 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni - - 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni

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