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ZL73J Health Monitoring Smartwatch with Bluetooth Calling - 1.39" - Orange

ZL73J Health Monitoring Smartwatch with Bluetooth Calling - 1.39" - Orange

Číslo výrobku:3010556
DOSTUPNOSŤ:Na sklade - pripravené na odoslanie 
RRP:   32,00 €
1 ks:
25,60 €
Ušetríte:   6,40 €
Vyberte farbu
  • ZL73J Health Monitoring Smartwatch with Bluetooth Calling, 123 Multi-Sport Modes

    Elevate your wellness journey with the ZL73J Smartwatch, featuring a vibrant 1.39-inch TFT display and comprehensive health monitoring capabilities. Designed for both style and functionality, this smartwatch offers seamless Bluetooth calling, extensive sports modes, and a durable build, making it an ideal companion for your active lifestyle.

    Key Features
    - 1.39-Inch Ultra-Clear Display: The TFT screen boasts a high resolution of 360x360 pixels, ensuring clear visibility even under strong sunlight.
    - Bluetooth Voice Calling: Answer incoming calls directly from your wrist with a single button press, keeping you connected on the go.
    - Comprehensive Health Monitoring: Includes 24-hour heart rate monitoring, blood pressure measurement, blood oxygen levels, and sleep tracking to keep you informed about your health.
    - 123 Sports Modes: Supports a wide range of activities such as walking, running, cycling, basketball, and swimming, providing detailed data to enhance your workouts.
    - IP67 Waterproof Rating: Designed to withstand water exposure, making it suitable for daily use and various weather conditions.

    - Chipset: JL 7012F6
    - Memory: 640KB RAM; 128Mb External Memory
    - Bluetooth Version: 5.2
    - Battery Capacity: 220mAh
    - Charging Time: Approximately 2.5-3 hours
    - Standby Time: 10-15 days
    - Normal Usage Time: 5-7 days
    - Compatibility: Supports Android 5.0 and above; iOS 9.0 and above
    - Languages Supported: Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, German, Korean, Spanish, Japanese, French, Russian, Arabic, Ukrainian, Italian, Portuguese

    Ideal Examples of Usage
    - Daily Health Tracking: Monitor vital signs and sleep patterns to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
    - Fitness Enthusiasts: Utilize multiple sports modes to track and improve your performance across various activities.
    - On-the-Go Professionals: Manage calls and notifications directly from your wrist, ensuring you stay connected without reaching for your phone.
    - Outdoor Activities: The IP67 waterproof rating allows for worry-free use during workouts and in adverse weather conditions.
    - Personalization: Choose from over 100 unique watch faces to match your style and preferences.

    Why Buy This Product?
    The ZL73J Smartwatch combines advanced health monitoring features with practical functionalities like Bluetooth calling and extensive sports tracking. Its durable design and customizable watch faces make it both a practical tool and a stylish accessory, catering to various aspects of your daily life.

    Interesting Facts About Smartwatches
    - Health Monitoring: Modern smartwatches provide real-time data on vital health metrics, aiding in proactive health management.
    - Customization: With a variety of watch faces and bands, users can personalize their smartwatches to reflect their individual style.
    - Integration: Smartwatches seamlessly integrate with smartphones, offering features like music control, camera remote, and notification management.

    Embrace a smarter approach to health and connectivity with the ZL73J 1.39-Inch Bluetooth Calling Health Monitoring Smartwatch, designed to complement your dynamic lifestyle.

    Package included:
    - 1 x Smart Watch
    - 1 x Charging Cable
    - 1 x English Manual

    Packing: Euroblister

    EAN: 5714122505699


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Informácie o dodaní



List Balíček
Hodnota objednávky pod 60.00 Hodnota objednávky prekročila 60.00
Royal Mail ParcelForce UPS
UK 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 8.50 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni
Ireland 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni - - 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni

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