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A19 Mini Portable Washing Machine with 3 Modes - Orange / White

A19 Mini Portable Washing Machine with 3 Modes - Orange / White
Číslo výrobku:3011483
1 ks:
23,00 €
  • A19 Mini Portable Turbine Washing Machine with 3 Modes / Compact Solution for Underwear and Socks

    Discover the convenience of the A19 Mini Portable Turbine Washing Machine, designed to provide efficient cleaning for your delicate garments. Ideal for home use and travelers alike, this compact device ensures your underwear and socks are thoroughly cleaned with minimal effort.

    Key Features
    - Compact and Lightweight Design: Measuring just 10.5x10.5x6cm and weighing 250g, this mini washing machine is perfect for travel, business trips, or dormitory use.
    - Smart 3-Mode Timer: Equipped with an intelligent timing feature offering three modes to cater to different washing needs based on the level of soiling.
    - Powerful Copper Motor: Built-in pure copper motor delivers greater torque and high-speed centrifugal rotation for effective cleaning.
    - Spiral Impeller Design: Mimics hand-washing action with a precise washing speed, ensuring powerful stain removal even for delicate fabrics like silk and chiffon.
    - Stable Suction Base: Features sturdy suction cups at the bottom to prevent slipping or falling during operation.

    - Size: 10.5x10.5x6cm
    - Material: ABS
    - Power supply: USB
    - Input voltage: 5V-10W
    - Output voltage: 12V-24W
    - Net weight: 250g

    Ideal Examples of Usage
    - Travel Companion: Perfect for travelers needing a quick and efficient way to clean undergarments and socks without relying on hotel laundry services.
    - Dormitory Living: An excellent solution for students in dorms who require a personal laundry device for small clothing items.
    - Gym Enthusiasts: Ideal for individuals who need to wash workout gear like socks and underwear promptly after exercise sessions.
    - Baby Clothes: Gently cleans baby garments, ensuring hygiene without the wear and tear of traditional washing machines.
    - Delicate Fabrics: Safely washes delicate items such as silk scarves or lace gloves, preserving their quality and extending their lifespan.

    Why Choose the A19 Mini Portable Turbine Washing Machine?
    - Efficiency: Provides thorough cleaning for small garments, saving time and water compared to traditional washing methods.
    - Portability: Its compact size and lightweight design make it easy to carry, fitting conveniently into luggage or backpacks.
    - User-Friendly: Simple operation with a smart timer ensures ease of use for individuals of all ages.
    - Energy Saving: Consumes minimal power, making it an eco-friendly choice for conscientious users.
    - Cost-Effective: Eliminates the need for expensive hotel laundry services or frequent trips to laundromats.

    Interesting Facts About Portable Washing Machines
    - Rising Popularity: With increasing travel and compact living spaces, portable washing machines have become essential appliances for many individuals.
    - Technological Advancements: Modern designs incorporate features like ultrasonic cleaning and turbine technology to enhance washing efficiency.
    - Environmental Impact: These devices typically use less water and detergent, reducing environmental footprints compared to conventional washing machines.
    - Versatility: Beyond clothing, portable washers can clean items like reusable masks, cloth diapers, and small household fabrics.
    - Historical Evolution: The concept of portable washing dates back to the early 20th century, evolving significantly with advancements in technology and materials.

    Embrace the convenience and efficiency of the A19 Mini Portable Turbine Washing Machine, ensuring your delicate garments receive the care they deserve, wherever you are.

    Packing: Euroblister

    EAN: 5714122522672


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