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Samsung Galaxy Fit3 Portable Magnetic Charger - Black

Samsung Galaxy Fit3 Portable Magnetic Charger - Black
Číslo výrobku:3011499
1 ks:
11,50 €
  • Mini Portable Magnetic Charger for Samsung Galaxy Fit3 - USB-A, 1A

    Ensure your Samsung Galaxy Fit3 is always powered up with this Mini USB Portable Magnetic Charger. Designed for travelers and fitness enthusiasts, this compact and efficient charger offers a seamless charging experience, keeping your device ready for action wherever you go.

    Key Features and Specifications
    - Compact and Lightweight Design: Weighing only 8g and measuring 8x4x1cm, this mini charger is perfect for on-the-go use, easily fitting into pockets, bags, or attached to keychains.
    - Magnetic Charging Interface: Utilizes magnetic contact points to ensure a secure and stable connection with your Galaxy Fit3, providing efficient and reliable charging without the hassle of cables.
    - Universal USB Compatibility: Equipped with a standard USB interface, this charger offers plug-and-play functionality with various USB-enabled devices, including laptops, power banks, and wall adapters.
    - Enhanced Portability: Features a built-in hole for attaching lanyards or keychains, making it convenient to carry and reducing the risk of misplacement during travel.
    - Durable Construction: Crafted with high-quality materials to withstand daily wear and tear, ensuring longevity and consistent performance.

    Ideal Examples of Usage
    - Travel: Keep your Galaxy Fit3 charged during business trips or vacations without the bulk of traditional chargers.
    - Outdoor Activities: Perfect for hikers, campers, and fitness enthusiasts who need a reliable charging solution in remote locations.
    - Office Use: Maintain your device's battery levels at work by connecting the charger to your computer's USB port.
    - Emergency Backup: Carry as a backup charger to ensure your Galaxy Fit3 is always powered, especially during unexpected situations.
    - Everyday Convenience: Attach to your keychain or bag for easy access, ensuring you're never without a charging option.

    Why Choose This Mini USB Portable Magnetic Charger?
    - Portability: Its compact size and lightweight design make it an ideal companion for those constantly on the move.
    - Ease of Use: Magnetic connection and universal USB compatibility offer a hassle-free charging experience.
    - Reliability: Provides a stable and efficient charge to keep your Galaxy Fit3 ready for use at all times.
    - Versatility: Compatible with various USB power sources, offering flexibility in different environments.
    - Affordability: An economical solution without compromising on quality or performance.

    Interesting Facts About Portable Magnetic Chargers
    - Innovation in Charging: Magnetic chargers have revolutionized the way we power devices, offering a more secure and user-friendly connection compared to traditional plug-in chargers.
    - Safety Features: The magnetic connection helps prevent damage to the device's charging port by reducing the risk of accidental pulls or yanks.
    - Growing Popularity: As wearable technology becomes more prevalent, the demand for portable and efficient charging solutions like magnetic chargers has increased.
    - Environmental Impact: Compact chargers reduce material usage and are often more energy-efficient, contributing to lower environmental footprints.
    - User Convenience: The ease of connecting and disconnecting magnetic chargers enhances the overall user experience, especially for individuals with limited mobility or dexterity.

    Invest in this Mini USB Portable Magnetic Charger to keep your Samsung Galaxy Fit3 powered up effortlessly, no matter where life takes you.

    Packing: Bulk

    EAN: 5714122522832


"Refurbished" phone is perfect if you don't want to pay the full price to enjoy the pristine look of a device. It has no traces of wear and appears completely new.

It comes with a 2-year warranty.


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