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Acrunu Aluminium Alloy Bike Cup Holder - Black

Acrunu Aluminium Alloy Bike Cup Holder - Black
Číslo výrobku:3011676
1 ks:
12,70 €
  • Acrunu Aluminium Alloy Bike Cup Holder - Stylish & Sturdy Handlebar Cup Frame for Bicycles & Motorcycles

    Upgrade your cycling experience with the ACRUNU Outdoor Aluminium Alloy Bike Cup Holder, designed for secure, convenient, and stylish beverage carrying on the go. Whether you’re commuting, cycling long distances, or riding a motorcycle, this lightweight yet sturdy holder keeps your cup firmly in place, ensuring easy access while riding.

    Key Features & Specifications
    - Vintage-Inspired Retro Design - Adds a stylish touch to your bicycle, e-bike, or motorcycle, blending classic aesthetics with modern functionality.
    - Durable & Lightweight Aluminium Alloy Build - Strong yet lightweight, providing long-lasting durability without adding extra weight to your ride.
    - Universal Handlebar Fit - Compatible with handlebars up to 41mm in diameter, making it suitable for bicycles, electric bikes, and motorcycles.
    - Secure Hold for Cups & Mugs - The 76mm inner diameter ensures a snug fit for most standard-sized cups, mugs, and coffee tumblers.
    - Quick & Easy Installation - Simple mounting system allows for fast and hassle-free installation, ensuring stability on rough terrain.

    Technical Specifications
    - Material: Aluminium alloy
    - Weight: 65.3g
    - Dimensions: 8.6 x 12.6 x 2.5 cm
    - Inner Diameter: 76mm
    - Handlebar Compatibility: Suitable for handlebars up to 41mm in diameter
    - Applicable Vehicles: Bicycles, electric bikes, motorcycles

    Ideal Usage Scenarios
    - Perfect for Commuters & Urban Cyclists - Carry your coffee, tea, or energy drink conveniently during daily rides.
    - Great for Long-Distance Riders - Ensures quick beverage access on mountain trails or road cycling trips.
    - Compatible with Motorcycles & E-Bikes - Securely holds cups and mugs even at high speeds or on rough roads.
    - Adventure & Touring Cyclists - Lightweight yet durable design makes it an essential accessory for extended bike tours.

    Why Buy the ACRUNU Aluminium Bike Cup Holder?
    - Stylish & Functional - Retro design meets modern convenience, making it an attractive and practical accessory.
    - Universal Fit for Various Bikes - Works with bicycles, e-bikes, and motorcycles, ensuring wide compatibility.
    - Strong & Secure Hold - Prevents spills and keeps your cup stable, even on bumpy terrain.
    - Easy to Install & Use - No tools required for a quick and effortless setup.
    - Durable & Rust-Resistant - High-quality aluminium alloy ensures long-lasting use.

    Interesting Facts About Bike Cup Holders
    - Aluminium alloy cup holders are lighter and more durable than plastic, offering better resistance to wear and tear.
    - Hydration is crucial for cyclists, and a well-placed cup holder helps maintain endurance and performance during rides.
    - Retro-style accessories are growing in popularity, blending classic aesthetics with modern convenience.

    Enjoy your favorite drinks on the go with the ACRUNU Aluminium Bike Cup Holder - lightweight, stylish, and built for adventure!

    Packing: Bulk

    EAN: 5714122518750


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List Balíček
Hodnota objednávky pod 60.00 Hodnota objednávky prekročila 60.00
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