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Baby Nasal Aspirator & Electric Ear Wax Remover - White

Baby Nasal Aspirator & Electric Ear Wax Remover - White
Číslo výrobku:3011517
1 ks:
23,00 €
  • Baby Nasal Aspirator & Electric Ear Wax Remover with LCD Display - Multifunctional Infant Nose Cleaner

    Ensure your baby’s comfort and well-being with the Baby Nasal Aspirator & Electric Ear Wax Remover, a safe and gentle solution for clearing nasal congestion and excess earwax. Designed with parents in mind, this easy-to-use device helps your little one breathe and feel better with its multifunctional, hygienic, and efficient suction technology.

    Key Features and Specifications
    - 2-in-1 Functionality – Works as a nasal aspirator and an ear wax remover, offering comprehensive hygiene care for infants.
    - Gentle & Safe for Babies – Equipped with soft silicone tips for the nose and ears, ensuring pain-free and irritation-free cleaning.
    - Adjustable Suction Power – Features a 3W motor with adjustable suction levels, making it suitable for newborns and young children.
    - Long-Lasting Rechargeable Battery – 800mAh battery capacity ensures long usage between charges, making it reliable for daily care.
    - Easy to Clean & Maintain – Includes removable silicone tips and a washable design, ensuring hygienic use after each cleaning session.

    Ideal Examples of Usage
    - Clearing Baby’s Stuffy Nose – Gently removes mucus buildup and prevents nasal congestion, helping your baby breathe comfortably.
    - Safe Ear Hygiene – Effectively removes excess earwax without the risk of injury, unlike traditional cotton swabs.
    - Post-Bath Care – Helps remove moisture buildup in the ears after bathing to prevent discomfort.
    - Perfect for Travel – Lightweight and compact, it fits easily into a baby care bag, ensuring convenience for on-the-go parents.
    - Daily Baby Care Routine – A must-have for keeping your infant’s nose and ears clean and healthy at all times.

    Why Choose This Baby Nasal Aspirator & Ear Wax Remover?
    - Designed for Infants & Toddlers – Safe, non-invasive, and comfortable for newborns and young children.
    - Quick & Efficient – Powerful yet gentle suction ensures mucus and earwax removal in seconds.
    - Parent-Friendly Design – Simple one-button operation makes it easy to use even for first-time parents.
    - Hygienic & Washable – Includes two nasal silicone tips and one ear wax silicone tip, all easy to clean and reuse.
    - Eco-Friendly & Cost-Effective – Rechargeable and reusable, eliminating the need for disposable nose and ear cleaning products.

    Interesting Facts About Baby Nasal Aspirators & Ear Wax Removers
    - Did You Know? Babies can’t blow their noses until around two years old, making nasal aspirators essential for clearing mucus buildup.
    - Earwax Has a Purpose! Earwax protects the ear canal by trapping dust and bacteria, but too much can affect hearing and cause discomfort.
    - Traditional Methods Are Risky – Cotton swabs and manual suction can push wax deeper into the ear or cause nasal irritation, making electric aspirators the safer choice.
    - Parents’ Favorite – Many pediatricians recommend electric nasal aspirators over bulb syringes because they offer more effective mucus removal.
    - Great for All Ages – While designed for infants, gentle suction technology makes it suitable for toddlers and young children as well.

    Keep your baby comfortable and congestion-free with the Baby Nasal Aspirator & Electric Ear Wax Remover—the gentle, safe, and effective solution for everyday hygiene!

    Package included:
    - 1 x Baby Aspirator
    - 2 x Nasal Silicone Tips
    - 1 x Earwax Silicone Tips
    - 1 x Tweezers
    - 1 x Charging Cable
    - 1 x English User Manual

    Packing: Euroblister

    EAN: 5714122522917


"Refurbished" phone is perfect if you don't want to pay the full price to enjoy the pristine look of a device. It has no traces of wear and appears completely new.

It comes with a 2-year warranty.


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