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Stainless Steel Dual Head Shampoo/Soap Dispenser - 2x500ml - Silver

Stainless Steel Dual Head Shampoo/Soap Dispenser - 2x500ml - Silver
Číslo výrobku:3011521
1 ks:
43,60 €
Vyberte farbu
  • Stainless Steel Dual Head Shampoo/Soap Dispenser with Manual Push Pump - 2x500ml

    Enhance your hygiene routine with the Stainless Steel Dual Head Soap Dispenser, a stylish and practical solution for dispensing liquids such as soap, shampoo, or hand wash. Designed for both residential and commercial settings, this wall-mounted dispenser combines durability with elegance, making it a perfect addition to any bathroom or kitchen.

    Key Features and Specifications
    - Durable Construction: Crafted from high-quality stainless steel and ABS plastic, ensuring long-lasting use and resistance to corrosion and rust, even in humid environments.
    - Dual Dispenser Design: Features two separate 500ml compartments, allowing you to store and dispense different liquids simultaneously, with a total capacity of 1000ml.
    - Manual Push-Button Operation: Equipped with an easy-to-use manual push-button mechanism, providing precise control over the amount of liquid dispensed, reducing waste.
    - Easy Installation: Designed for wall-mounted installation, the dispenser comes with all necessary mounting accessories, ensuring a quick and straightforward setup.
    - Versatile Application: Ideal for dispensing various liquids such as liquid soap, hand wash, shampoo, or body wash, making it suitable for bathrooms, kitchens, offices, schools, hospitals, hotels, and restaurants.

    - Material: Stainless steel and ABS plastic
    - Total Capacity: 1000ml (500ml per dispenser head)
    - Operation Type: Manual push-button
    - Installation: Wall-mounted

    Ideal Examples of Usage
    - Residential Bathrooms: Keep your shower area organized by dispensing shampoo and body wash from a single, elegant unit.
    - Kitchens: Use it for hand soap and dishwashing liquid, ensuring hygiene and convenience while cooking and cleaning.
    - Commercial Restrooms: Provide guests with easy access to soap and hand sanitizer in public facilities, enhancing cleanliness standards.
    - Hospitality Industry: Perfect for hotels and restaurants, offering patrons a luxurious and hygienic experience.
    - Healthcare Facilities: Ideal for hospitals and clinics, where maintaining high hygiene standards is crucial.

    Why Choose This Stainless Steel Dual Head Soap Dispenser?
    - Elegant Design: The sleek finish adds a touch of sophistication to any setting, complementing various interior décors.
    - Space-Saving Solution: Wall-mounted design frees up counter space, reducing clutter and enhancing the room's aesthetics.
    - Cost-Effective: Refillable compartments allow for bulk purchasing of liquids, leading to cost savings over time.
    - Hygienic Dispensing: Manual push-button operation minimizes contact, reducing the risk of cross-contamination.
    - Robust and Reliable: Constructed with durable materials, ensuring longevity and consistent performance in high-traffic areas.

    Interesting Facts About Soap Dispensers
    - Historical Evolution: Soap dispensers have evolved from simple containers to sophisticated devices, incorporating materials like stainless steel for enhanced durability and aesthetics.
    - Hygiene Benefits: Using a soap dispenser reduces the spread of germs compared to shared bar soap, promoting better health practices.
    - Environmental Impact: Refillable dispensers help reduce plastic waste by minimizing the need for single-use soap bottles.
    - Versatility: Modern dispensers are designed to accommodate various liquids, including soaps, shampoos, sanitizers, and lotions, offering multifunctional use.
    - Design Innovations: Contemporary designs focus on user convenience, with features like dual compartments and easy installation, catering to both aesthetic and functional needs.

    Upgrade your space with the Stainless Steel Dual Head Soap Dispenser, combining functionality, elegance, and hygiene in a single, easy-to-use unit.

    Package included:
    2 x Soap Dispenser
    1 x Installation Accessories Set

    Packing: Euroblister

    EAN: 5714122523020


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List Balíček
Hodnota objednávky pod 60.00 Hodnota objednávky prekročila 60.00
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UK 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 8.50 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni
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