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V1 Universal Car Phone Holder with Electric Vacuum Suction - Black

V1 Universal Car Phone Holder with Electric Vacuum Suction - Black
Číslo výrobku:3011647
1 ks:
37,20 €
  • V1 Universal Foldable Magnetic Car Holder with Electric Vacuum Suction

    Enhance your driving experience with the V1 Universal Car Dashboard Phone Holder, a versatile and innovative solution designed to securely hold your smartphone while on the road. This holder combines electric vacuum suction with powerful N52 magnets, ensuring a stable and reliable mount for your device.

    Key Features
    - Electric Vacuum Suction: Equipped with electric vacuum suction, this holder provides a strong and stable attachment to your car's dashboard, minimizing vibrations and ensuring your phone stays securely in place.
    - Adjustable and Foldable Design: The extendable arm allows for flexible positioning, enabling you to find the perfect viewing angle. Its foldable mechanism ensures compact storage when not in use, saving space in your vehicle.
    - Strong Magnetic Attraction: With a magnetic force of 20N, this holder ensures your device remains firmly attached during your journey, even on bumpy roads.
    - Premium Construction: Made from durable aluminum alloy, PC, and POM materials, this holder is built for long-lasting performance and resilience.
    - Versatile Compatibility: Designed to fit various smartphone models, this holder can be used in cars, homes, or offices, providing a universal solution for your device mounting needs.
    - Rechargeable Battery: The built-in 130mAh battery with a Type-C charging port allows for convenient power replenishment, ensuring the holder operates effectively without the need for constant charging.

    - Product Dimensions: 5.8 x 6.7 cm (Folded)
    - Extended Length: 10.5 cm
    - Product Weight: 117 g
    - Materials: Aluminum Alloy, PC, POM
    - Charging Port: Type-C
    - Battery Capacity: 130mAh
    - Magnetic Force: 20N

    Ideal Usage Scenarios
    - In-Car Use: Keep your smartphone securely mounted on your dashboard for easy access to navigation, music, and hands-free calls while driving.
    - Home Office: Utilize the holder to position your phone at an optimal angle for video calls, streaming, or as a second screen in your workspace.
    - Travel: Its foldable design makes it convenient for on-the-go use, allowing you to set up your phone securely in various environments.

    Why Choose the V1 Universal Car Dashboard Phone Holder?
    The V1 Universal Car Dashboard Phone Holder offers a combination of advanced features, including electric vacuum suction, strong magnetic attraction, and a foldable design, providing a secure and convenient solution for mounting your smartphone. Its universal compatibility and premium construction make it a reliable choice for users seeking a versatile and durable phone holder.

    Package Includes
    - 1 x Data Cable
    - 1 x Magnetic Plate
    - 1 x Transparent Film
    - 2 x Alcohol Wipes
    - 1 x Phone Holder

    Packing: Euroblister

    EAN: 5714122524867


"Refurbished" phone is perfect if you don't want to pay the full price to enjoy the pristine look of a device. It has no traces of wear and appears completely new.

It comes with a 2-year warranty.


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Informácie o dodaní



List Balíček
Hodnota objednávky pod 60.00 Hodnota objednávky prekročila 60.00
Royal Mail ParcelForce UPS
UK 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 8.50 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni
Ireland 2.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni - - 11.30 Dodacia lehota: 2-3 pracovné dni

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